Free Watermark Maker

In this time and age of rampant photo sharing via social media and the internet, there might come the point where you discover that your images are being downloaded and used without permission or attribution. Usually, it’s rather easy to track down the original owner of a picture, but many of the time, people don’t go the extra mile and exert effort to do this. While it could be a frustrating dilemma to find yourself in, there’s a quick and easy fix to keep your images safe from photo theft while still sharing your artistry to the world: photo watermarks.

Not only is watermarking a good tool to help prevent photo theft, but it is also likewise a helpful tool to brand your photographs and get people to notice to your work.

To easily and cost-effectively watermark your photos, you would need the best watermark maker.

What Makes a Good Watermark Maker?

The best watermark maker makes the entire process of putting watermarks on your photos quickly and efficiently, as all the editing functionalities are just sitting next to your watermark. You don’t have to move around the interface too much– everything you need is within close range.

Watermarking with Watermarquee

This online watermarking tool allows you to use completely customizable templates or make your own watermarks to protect your photos from being used without your permission. The method of adding a watermark to an image with Watermarquee is incredibly quick, as it is simple. You just upload a photo to the platform, click on the Add Logo, Add Text, or Use Template option. Next, proceed to insert the text, adjust its font, size, color, and even the watermark opacity. When you’re happy with your watermark, simply click on the Save icon and select the folder on your device in which the watermarked photo would be stored. Easy peasy, right? Best of all, it’s free! Yes, its free version allows you to watermark up to 5 photos in one go.